Friday, March 18, 2011


Have your windshield-wipers taken a beating lately? Most wipers deteriorate after 6-9 months due to dirt, debris, and road grime abrasion and sunlight breaking down their rubber edges.

Check their condition - Lift each wiper arm off the glass and run your finger along its rubber edge. If the rubber is rigid or chipped, or produces nonstop streaking, you need new wipers. Replace both, as if one is worn out, the other will surely die soon.

Keep them clean - Put windshield washer fluid or mild dish liquid on a damp sponge or rag and wipe debris off the rubber and the windshield where the wiper rests.

Keep them free - If wipers are frozen to the glass, use the defroster and hand-clear snow and ice from around them before turning them on. Use windshield washer fluid with antifreeze.

Get the correct size and type - Look in your car's owner's manual, measure the blade, or ask at an auto-parts store. On some cars, one blade is longer than the other, so check both, as well as the rear wiper if your car has one.
Source: Consumer Reports

Hope you can make it to this fun and informative day -


Grow local, eat local . . .

Workshops, demonstrations, children's activities, resources for new and seasoned gardeners

Local food pioneer Greg Watson - Sustainable Food Systems

Raffle, refreshments, books, and gardening supplies

Sunday, March 27th 10 AM - 4 PM
Pierce School, 50 School St., Brookline

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