Monday, October 22, 2012


Guest Author: Beverly Zibrak, President of the Word Doc, Brookline, MA

Continued from 9/13/12 post . . .

Just as there are guidelines for traditional communication, there are guidelines for business emails.


- Add disclaimers to your business emails.
- Do not forward chain letters or jokes.
- Before forwarding an email you received, make sure it is not a virus hoax.
- Delete and ignore spam.  Do not reply.
- Do not forward or send any offensive emails.  This includes off color jokes or racist or sexist content.
- Never send or forward confidential information in an email.
- Only send relevant files as attachments.  Make sure the file size is not so large that it creates a roadblock.
- Do not forward a message or attachment without the permission of the original sender.
- Be sure when you Reply to All that you want all recipients to receive your message.
- Do not use URGENT or IMPORTANT unless the email is truly timely.

If you choose to use email as a marketing tool, choose the right email service provider.  Find a reliable vendor, such as Constant Contact (R).

And lastly, read the email a few times before you send it.

Beverly Zibrak is President of the Word Doc, a writing and editing services firm dedicated to helping small business with all their communication needs, including web content development, press releases and marketing communications, and blog posts.  You can reach Beverly at or 617.584.9847.