Saturday, April 9, 2016

HOW TO LOSE IT - Part Four

More weight loss tips . . .

Keep a food journal.  Writing down what you eat, as well as when you eat, can clue you in to patterns that cause mindless eating.  You'll discover what's precipitating your eating -- whether it's disappointments, daily activities that cause stress, or simply fatigue.

Find substitute activities.  When you know what triggers emotional eating, you can replace eating with something else.  Have handy a list of what you can do besides eat to feel better: take a walk, read a good book, call your best friend, enjoy a warm bath, work on a hobby, exercise.

Schedule your eating.  Having a set meal and snack schedule can help you avoid impulse eating.  Try to eat three regular meals with scheduled nutritious snacks if you find yourself becoming hungry between meals.  If you're not hungry but the urge to nibble hits you, wait 15 minutes or so; it may help to distract you until the impulse passes.

Seek professional help.  A professional can help you with stress management if you cannot overcome emotional eating on your own.
Source: Nancy Snyderman MD