Saturday, July 18, 2009


The 2005 Can-Spam Act prohibits commercial e-mail and text messages from being sent to cell phones without "express prior authorization." But the law has loopholes. Your carrier and its partners can send offers, and charities and campaigns can send you messages on your dime. Cell-phone owners who don't have a text-messaging plan might have to pay up to 20 cents for each unwanted message. Here's how to can that spam:

1. Act fast. Call your carrier as soon as you receive spam; don't wait until several dozen pile up. And fill out the Federal Communications Commission Form 1088G ( or call the FCC at 888-225-5322.

2. Block spam at the source. Go to your cell account online and access your e-mail or messaging preferences, then activate the setting that blocks messages over the Internet. Some carriers let you block only certain messages, allowing you to keep those from your bank, for example.

3. Register your cell at to block telemarketers.

4. Avoid some downloads. Ring tones and games from third-party vendors could lead to spam, fraudulent charges, or identity theft.
Source: Consumer Reports

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