Saturday, January 18, 2014


Here are some ideas based on current research:

Intention isn't enough - When people are asked to predict how much they will exercise, they generally base their answers on an ideal world -- no work deadlines or sick kids.  When the reality is less than their prediction, they often consider it an exception, thinking "this week is insane . . . it will be much easier to exercise next week."  We can set more realistic goals by following up our ideal predictions with the question "how much time do I think I will have for exercise this week?" (Tanner and Carlson 2009)

Motivation isn't enough - Motivation to exercise can be outweighed by even stronger unspoken counter motivations not to exercise, including choosing to spend more time at work, socializing, or with family, and avoiding discomfort and embarrassment.  We can uncover our hidden obstacles by observing what we did when we skipped a workout.  For example, if the choice is to unwind after work instead of exercising, try strategies such as scheduling workouts earlier in the day. (Richetin, Conner & Perugini 2011)
Source: IDEA Fitness Journal

Next month: More tips to make resolutions that stick . . .

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